Digestive & Liver diseases are major causes of morbidity and morality. Now there are greater advances in understanding, diagnosis and management of such diseases. We understand well the pathogenesis of bowel a disease, colon cancer and various liver diseases. Providing possible cure through our health therapy is promotion of general health and comprehensive treatment of a chronic disease. Gastritis, Pancreatitis, Chronic pseudo- intestinal obstruction or Lactose intolerance, Sugar diarrhea are immune mediated disorders after taking homoeopathic treatment patient’s in build defense system is stimulated to stop furthering of disease and act as preventive. Ulcerative colitis remission and relapses are treated through our constitutional homoeopathic treatment. Anal Fissure/Fistula etc. surgeries are averted by our non-surgical oral homoeopathic treatment.
Our general management in most of diseases of G.I. Tract and liver are:
- Treat according to type and severity.
- Check the recurring acute attacks and prevent relapses.
- Understand and treat the complications.
- Treat the underlying causes, nutritional support and psychological help.
Mind symptoms or morbid conditions are as important as physical dysfunctions or somatic so psychosomatics like Anorexia Nervosa, Irritable bowel syndrome, Peptic-ulcer etc we give top priority to mind symptoms for better management of a psychosomatic disorder & our success mantra.
Here is a quick look at the list of diseases and ailments of Digestive or liver for possible cure are:
- Anal fistula or fissure
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Constipation
- Food allergy
- Fatty liver
- Fecal incontinence
- Gastritis
- Gallbladder stones( Chololithiasis)
- Hepatitis B or C
- Hemorrhoids (piles)
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Malabsorption syndrome
- Non-alcoholic liver disease
- Post-Cholecystectomy syndrome
- Ulcerative colitis