Constitution is genetic make up of a human being, it includes its vitality, tissues, organs, temperament, emotions, personality, behavior and psychology It also includes, its strengths and its weakness with which, the person is born. The traits of constitution are very individualistic, and reflect the health of parents at the time of conception, the mother’s health during pregnancy and circumstances involved, are factors of a constitution. Constitution of a person is peculiar nature of person, and is expressed by these peculiar multiple aspects. Health and disease are not static because of varied degree of vitality or life force and goes on changing during health or disease conditions. During healthy conditions of a person, vitality endows the body physical with sensations, functions and power of self-preservation with in certain limitations. Disease is a decrease or disturbance of vitality, predispositions of person’s constitution come in to play, and patient is dis- eased. Proper homoeopathic constitutional treatment will enhance and help in, maintaining general health, constitutional vitality and prevent diseases. Homoeopathic constitutional treatment is to create harmony and balance. Harmony is his / her intrapersonal and with the environment. Balance is between an organism and his / her environment of existence. Our Constitutional remedial measures empower the vitality of a person; make him / her strong enough, to restore normal body functions and perpetuating in orderly way the entire necessary reactions in given case, to maintain life and health. This also vitalizes absorption and nutrition, necessary for growth & health of the person. Constitutional treatment act powerfully and positively as a curative as well as preventive for the chronic diseases.

We suggest constitutional treatment in all chronic diseases for substantial period, to stop recurrence and relapse for the improvement of general health and reflect eternal youthfulness and vigor afterwards & living blissfully After the start of the treatment, vitality goes on increasing thereby health improves, year after year & to rejuvenate patient as a whole.