Healthy Mind therapy

Health and disease are not static they are dynamic, vitalistic and coincide with flow of life forces inside an organized human being, when behavior, emotional state resonate with body, mind and soul and this is the true state of health of a human being and health is perfect. Hahnemann stressed that mind has supreme control over body and it is the mind, which suffers first in turn causing somatic, or body dysfunctions and such disorders are psychosomatics. Dr S. Hahnemann divides mental disorders into 4 main groups

  • Mental disorders appearing with the decline of body physical functions
  • Mental disorders which develop independent of body’s dysfunctions
  • Mental disorders appear suddenly
  • Mental disorders of doubtful origin

In mental disorders an appropriate behavior of the physician and attendant must be:

  • Physician and keeper must pretend temporarily to the patient that he/she possess a reason. It is a confidence building exercise.
  • We are to counsel them for proper adjustment to their situations.
  • Raving disorders are resolved by calm fearlessness and firm resolution.
  • Sadness or melancholy is solved by compassionate gestures and looks.
  • We are to ignore indecent behavior and obscene languages.
  • Remove all kind of external disturbing influences on the patient mind.
  • We are to avoid contradiction, incessant argument and rude corrections.

Moreover, physician is not only a prescriber but also a friend, philosopher, guide to resolve his/her complexes and revert to healthy growth and development of patient’s personality.

Our management is combination individualization and humane for Psychosomatic disorders like Non-cardiac chest pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, Globus syndrome, Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Phobias and Multiple Chemicals Sensitivity etc. In addition, psychiatric disorders are:

  • Depression
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Stress Disorder

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