My Senior Health Therapy

Ageing is progressive generalized impairment of functioning of a man or a woman and results into disabilities. We encounter multiple conditions, as we grow older and poly pharmacy is no answer for a senior citizen multiple disease conditions. Instead, we consider the case as a whole and prescribe, according to your constitution type and the conditions involved. Generally, multiple- prescriptions do complicate and make a case unmanageable. Our careful management is simple, effective and comprehensive, which include:

Assessment and determine multiple causes and deep underlying mechanisms of a disease

Goal setting we ensure goal- setting must be realistic for a relief or for a possible cure, to maintain general health and to ensure quality life.

Reassessment Regular review after certain period, appropriate remedial measures and follow ups for careful management. Our approach is proactive and ethical.

Most important is identification of underlying mechanism of a disease, to control predispositions and check possible risk factors. Our medicament is non-toxic, well tolerated and cure is by natural ways of healing and is sympathetic to nerve vitality of a patient. Our senior health therapy is oral homoeopathic treatment for complexities and co-morbidities like:

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